Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Bottom: Healthy Choice on my socks

It's 12:30 p.m., I just spilled my daughter's soup on my socks, my pajama bottoms and the sweatshirt I've been wearing for two days, which I'm pretty sure came from the women's department.
I need to put the kid to bed, get a shower and a shave, put on men's clothes and make something of myself today.


Sarah said...

Yes, shower, shave and take yourself and that sweetheart of yours to the library. It's a great free activity.

Anonymous said...

The country needs someone whom they can look to as being a little more humorously sad than they are, and with a little marketing and a case of the gout, you can be that person.

keep on keeping on dude.

Becky said...

Jesus, I hope it wasn't cold soup.