Friday, May 29, 2009

Vampire movie

Would you like to see a vampire movie that's not for teen girls?
You should try the 2008 Swedish film, Let the Right One In. Like Twilight, it's also a "romantic" vampire story based on a book, but once again, it's Swedish and not for kids.
The creepy thing is it's about kids. One is a sweet, bullied boy with an awful Swedish haircut, the other is a strange new girl who plays outside at night without a suitable winter coat.
It's visually interesting, disturbing in all the right ways, disturbing in a few of the wrong ways, and available for instant watching on Netflix.
Here's the trailer:

1 comment:

Super Jew said...

I tried the instant Netflix, but half of the audio was missing, so I resorted to snail mail. Easily one of the best of this year.