Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Netflix Challenge: Super High Me, Singles and SNL

While a couple of weeks have passed since the last update to the Netflix Challenge tally sheet, that doesn't mean we haven't been hard at work whittling down the queue.

Super High Me
This one has been on the queue almost since the beginning. We finally got to it, and it wasn't too bad. Inspired by Super Size Me, comedian Doug Benson (who High Times magazine called the second best "Pot Comic" working today) begins an experiment where he'll spend 30 days without smoking weed, followed by 30 days of intensive weed smoking. The results of the experiment aren't that interesting, except he did score higher on the SAT while high. What is interesting is his tour of the legal grass dispensaries in California. The sticky icky is lovingly photographed. Makes you want to move to Cali with back pains.

Members of Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Alice in Chains (Nirvana said no) all make appearances in this Cameron Crowe movie that's a little too Camerony-Crowey for me.

SNL: The Best of Commercial Parodies

The commercial parodies are often the best part of any SNL episode. This compilation includes some of the best of all time: Bass-O-Matic, Buckwheat Sings, Oops I Crapped My Pants ("imagine this pitcher of iced-tea is really a gallon of your feces"), Mom Jeans, Chris Farley's "Hibernol," and maybe my favorite:

I've been wanting to see this Philip Seymour Hoffman movie for a while, but when it comes down to it, you're just never in the right mood for a drama about priests and sex abuse. So, it gets pushed farther and farther down the queue until one day Netflix removes it from the Instant catalog. Thanks, Netflix. That takes off a lot of the pressure, not to mention one more film from the queue.

Countdown: An even 50 remain.

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