Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The end times

It's June.
The Chicago Cubs are the best team in baseball and a black man will be President of the United States of America.
"I'm proud to be an American."


Anonymous said...

You should feel proud of your work to help make this happen. (Not the Cubs, but you know, this other exciting stuff.)

Looking forward to change...


Anonymous said...

Very bold prediction, sir, regarding "will be president." I must admit that your inner drive thus far has gotten him to the lofty perch at which he now resides, but do you have the chutzpah that will be required to topple the old, great white that currently controls the seas? It sounds like you do.

SC Peruanos said...

Wow. Not only can Super Jew leap small dreidels in a single bound, but he can weave a tasty political metaphor.
Welcome to the new dawn of a new America.

Anonymous said...

"...leap small dreidels..."

Ha! It's as if none of you have left the proofing room.
