Thursday, June 19, 2008

The pen is mightier

You may know that I'm currently looking for a new job. I'd like to find something where I can make use of my writing, editing and proofreading experience.
There aren't a whole lot of jobs like that out there, but this job posting, which my friend and coworker Madeleine spotted on Craigslist, seemed like a pretty good fit.
Until they mentioned "the twist."
It's depressing to think that this is the type of respect you get for your skills. Would they ask the IT people to put on a hairnet and make soup in the cafeteria?


Anonymous said...

Wow. Just... wow. Now wait a minute; the twist wasn't also the fact that you'd have to relocate to D.C.? Are you up for that?

SC Peruanos said...

I could move to D.C. I probably won't, but it's on the short list of places I'd be open to moving to.

Anonymous said...

awww, they've taken it down now..

Luckily, Madeleine had already shown it to me, and I have to say, my favorite part was, "You wouldn't carry a gun."

Was that supposed to ease an applicant's mind? Because considering DC, I'm pretty sure that's a negative toward taking the job.