Thursday, October 9, 2008

I hate myself for blogging about her

I really hate doing this, but here's another interesting little something about Sarah Palin.
Before you brand me a misogynist who deals in passé angry blog posts about an easy target, let me try to explain myself.
We subscribe to Newsweek. It's fun when it comes, but I'm growing tired of the weekly white-background portrait cover shot. Then, when Palin W. Bush started gracing the cover, I couldn't let her just invade my home without fighting back like an angry fourth-grader. So, I defaced her face on the covers with a couple of pens.
It made me feel better, alright? And as it turns out, the Sharpie moustache was kind of prophetic.

I thought I was done, but then this week's issue comes and the cover is this giant, mega-zoom in of her face. That's scary enough, then on closer inspection I see Mrs. Republican Perfect, the woman who right-wing bloggers and Fox News commentators have been lusting after for weeks, has a bit of a moustache.

I know, I know. I would hate to see what my face looks like enlarged to that degree. My teeth have reverted to their pre-braces position and at 32 my pores are like an oily teenager's.
The only reason I mention the governor's imperfections is because I think the cover is an interesting metaphor for her rise in the national spotlight.
On the surface, she looks real cute and attractive. Her image and story effectively invigorates McCain's dying campaign with a shot of saucy new blood. She's an intriguing mystery people can't wait to get to know and it looks like she may be a formidable opponent for that old Washington elitist Joe Biden. She's the new star of the Republican party, drawing thousands just to hear her sharply deliver the words George Bush's speech writers create especially for her.
Then upon closer review, she turns out to be just a dummy with moustache.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get the same issues, and I'm frankly shocked that NW believes she's deserving enough of a third cover in four weeks (with King Henry being the odd one out). I can recall a lot of Obama issues earlier in the year, understandably, but this woman is either tapping into some serious, cancerous buzz or the media is a friggin' idiot to believe her news trumps a failing nation. It's both, and... that sucks.