The coolest thing was definitely an installation by Taiwanese artist Shih Chieh Huang callled "Counterillumination (C-2010)." It's hard to describe and the pictures available online don't do it justice, but basically he uses lights and a bunch of cheap little electronic gadgets, including synchronized computer fans that inflate and deflate plastic baggies, to create these futuristic looking creatures that resemble primitive life forms.
I did find this video that shows how he makes these creepy eyes.
Here's another one that shows the breathing baggies:
The Jepson Center also had these interactive game installations that read your movements. The first one made me feel like I was in a cross between Tron, Pong and the Billie Jean video.
The second one placed you in front of this streetscape background, then produced a musical note based on your height. The note was accompanied by pretty bubbles that floated over your head.
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