I've been shouting about Quadron for awhile now. In this age of throw-away, digital music, it's rare and exciting to find a whole album of songs that I -- if I can borrow a phrase from Sir Anthony Michael Hall -- just glom on to.
Quadron's debut definitely got in my brain like that, and continues to do so six months later. So, when I heard they were coming to play in Atlanta, it was deemed a babysitter-worthy excursion.
The night was memorable for several reasons:
1) It was nice to go on a date with my wife without worrying about booster seats.
2) I ate two squishy white things before realizing they were sauteed garlic cloves. (I'm sure the people who stood within smell-shot of me later that night will remember this as well.)
3) The fashionable, young Atlanta hipsters in attendance. It was like a casting call for Theo Huxtable's post-Gordon Gartrelle posse. Or maybe a scene out of She's Gotta Have It.
4) The black rock group Jimi Cravity opening the show with a cover of Coldplay's "Viva La Vida."
5) The front woman of the other opening act ego-tripping on stage, talking 'bout how she's "in a cocoon" phase right now in her "artistry" and what a great opportunity it was for us, the audience, to be there to witness it. Her on stage banter ruined what could have been something interesting.
6) Meeting Coco and Robin from Quadron and finding that in addition to being talented artists, they're good people who deserve to have their music purchased, not stolen.
7) Learning I can still stay up until 4:00 a.m., if I want to.
Here's a couple of videos from the night:
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