Or I could sit down and try to write something. Really write something with some depth. A big project that I would write and revise and rewrite. It doesn't have to be a novel, necessarily, but something big that would earn enough money to pay for a trip to Hawaii or Peru or another exotic locale of my choosing.
Those are good, productive goals to strive for and would be very satisfying accomplishments, to be sure.
Unfortunately, that's not the journey on which I've chosen to embark.
The family Netflix Instant Queue has gotten completely out of hand. Not counting the 10 entries for various television programs, the queue (or the movie lineup for those of us outside of Great Britain) has grown to 73 items of filmed entertainment just waiting there to be watched. Some of it (Super High Me) has been there since the day our Netflix account was born, continuously getting passed over by newer, more intriguing additions to Netflix's streaming library.
Long story short, the wife and I have challenged ourselves to see how fast we can watch every film in the queue. We will not be allowed to add any additional films onto the pile until the current slate of titles has been wiped clean. It will be a sometimes tedious and mostly pointless exercise, save for the kind of pleasure you get after dumping a big load at Goodwill, or in your own toilet, for that matter. Regardless, it's the mission we've given ourselves, and one we must accomplish.

I'm pleased to report the big number has already been reduced by one. Last night, the Matthew Broderick film, Wonderful World, went down without a fight. Nothing groundbreaking here -- just another down-on-his-luck grumpy guy getting his life changed for the better when a hot foreign lady (Sanaa Lathan with a Senegalese accent) unexpectedly shows up on his doorstep. Carolina says that sounds like our story.
Anyway, if you like Matty B., you won't be disappointed.
Come back for more later. We've got a lot of work to do.
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