I never would have pegged the Governor for much of a dancer, but the latest AP article on his marital woes paints a different picture.
It was revealed that Sanford first met his mistress at "an open air dance spot in Uruguay," which sounds like a pretty cool place, way cooler than anywhere I would expect to bump into Sanford, at least.
Now, when asked about other women our governor says, "What I would say is that I've never had sex with another woman. Have I done stupid? I have. You know you meet someone. You dance with them. You go to a place where you probably shouldn't have gone...
"If you're a married guy at the end of the day you shouldn't be dancing with somebody else. So anyway, without wandering into that field we'll just say that I let my guard down in all senses of the word without ever crossing the line that I crossed with this situation."
And I like this euphemism he throws out there towards the end: "We gotta put the genie back in the bottle."
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