Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Netflix Challenge: Romance and stuff

We're over the half-way hump on our quest to whittle the Netflix Instant queue down to zero, so it should be smooth sailing from here.

David and Layla
Another indie culture-clash (American Jews vs. Iraqi immigrants) romance film, but without all the stuff that would make it enjoyable. It received decent reviews, and Carolina liked it, but I thought the lead actor was a little over-the-top and the writing not so hot. The only enjoyment for me was seeing a street and some shops very near where I once stayed in Brooklyn. Besides that? Blah.

Jerry Maguire
This is almost a better football movie than it is a romance -- and that's a compliment. It's one of the Cameron Crowe movies that's Cameron-Crowey in a good way. People will watch this one in 40-50 years on the future version of Turner Classic Movies and get nostalgic for the 1990s.

But don't believe me. Listen to my hero, Harold Ramis:

The Headless Woman
Arthouse Argentinian movie about a woman who hits something with her car, then gradually begins to think she killed someone. There's an interesting subtext here about class and race in Argentina, but I haven't quite figured it out yet. Maybe you should give it a shot.

Just 37 to go.

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